Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I thought I was packed. That is, I thought I was packed until I printed the suggested itinerary. Ooops. I'm glad that my flight doesn't leave until the afternoon because tomorrow morning I've got a list of things to stop by the store to buy including but not limited to: bug repellent, flashlight, granola bars, crayons, and neosporin. The other list I have percolating in my mind consists of other places I want to stop by, the library-to return Fire in the Blood (an excellent quick read if anyone is interested), the used bookstore-to pick up One Hundred Years of Solitude, and another book by Salman Rushdie I've been meaning to read for some time now, the dry cleaners, the post office, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something else.

Today at work was interesting. I was alternately insanely excited and extremely anxious. Anxious because I was trying to figure out what all I need to remember or what I may be forgetting. Excited, well, I'm flying to the DR!! I love to travel and that was only reinforced by seeing one of the women at work who just got back from Rome. How I miss Europe! One of my friends is moving to London in the fall and between the two of them I think a trip to Europe is in the near future. There are just so many places I want to go and just not enough time. Where else would I like to travel? Well, Egypt is pretty high up in there with South Africa, Peru, Brazil, Greece, Australia, and some of my friends have me convinced I need to see some of Asia but that is a bit further in the future. As for my current destination, I decided to go back to the Dominican Republic for a couple of reasons. One, it's familiar-I've been there before. Two, I felt I needed a bit more experience and again the familiarity was comforting. Three, the time commitment was the most doable at this point in time. Lastly, I felt the crazy need to do something somewhere else. I went into physical therapy to help others and I just needed to go somewhere and really give back. I get bored and I need to do something new and although the DR isn't a new location the capacity in which I am acting is. Luckily enough for me I am able to entertain my desires and reach out to some distant destination.

PS: What finally calmed me down from being over anxious was a glass of red wine from IOWA (Summerset Vintage Red) and just some chillin in front of the t.v. I am bummed that I will have to wait to watch the 100th episode of Bones (relatively newly addicted).

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