Friday, April 9, 2010


and it is a GORGEOUS 80 something out with humidity and it is blissful! Some music always present on the breeze keeps everything pleasant. I am in HEAVEN!! Got in late last night, everyone else but Hector and Martinez who picked me up from the airport were asleep. I got settled into the casita I'm sharing with another clinical instructor (CI), Kristin-we were in the same PT class so this morning was a reunion of sorts. It was so nice to fall asleep listening to the crickets and frogs with nothing but a sheet and being perfectly comfortable. I LOVE IT!

Woke up in the AM and had a lovely breakfast of eggs, cheese, bread, and fruit. Oh, and I can't forget the coffee. I don't own a coffeemaker at home but here the coffee is divine-truly ambrosia. Myself and two of the other newly arrived CIs went on a run and I discovered that there is a reason my old running shoes are my old running shoes. I had to cut the run short to avoid blisters! Well, I'll put some different insoles in them and hopefully that will remedy the situation. There are four of us total who are new here, myself, Kristin, and then Maggie, and another CI whose name I don't remember. We all were given the day to recover from our travels so we have the morning off till 2:30 when we leave for the campo near the Haitian border. Exciting! The break is definitely needed; getting here was quite tedious.

92 pounds of luggage I dragged onto the "El" and suffered the blatant stares of the other passangers who clearly thought that I was crazy. I just wanted to put a sign up that said my destination and a label on the luggage that said "donations." One gentleman, as the train emptied of regulars the closer we got to the airport was kind, after enquiring as to where I was traveling he offered his assistance getting into the airport. So generous. Him and another young man helped me with my baggage at various points otherwise I would not have managed nearly as well. I was SOO happy to check my bags and to rid myself of the stares I attracted-people were curious but as the train was packed the stoney silence of resignation of being sardines took over and no one asked the question that was quite palpable on everyone's minds. The train was so busy the resentment that my luggage took up the standing equivalent of 2-3 people was a bit tense. I think getting to the airport was more of a trial than anything I will face in the DR. A shot of tequila with another passenger helped ease the stress prior to boarding-she was fed up with the airline hooplah too. Sigh. Ah well, I put all the donations in the equipment room to where they will be taken to the various sites and put to excellent use. Only one bag coming home :-)

I can't quite get over the temperature here. Sorry I keep reverting to it but it is just so ideal. Chicago was so cold when I left! Most people say the weather here is humid-NOT ME :-) I'm the woman who doesn't own an air conditioner and would rather be outside in the heat and humidity not laying out but working out! Mom and Dad, you know me-nothing new in that description. I can't wait till we really get in the swing of things. I am a sponge and I will just keep soaking up this atmosphere, the air just wraps itself around you and is the best welcome I have received in a long time! It is a perpetual hug. My translucent skin is already beginning to gain a bit of color. :-) Pictures to come. Needless to say its lovely lush and green with colorful flowers everywhere.

PS: feel free to share this with people I forgot to email the link to-- sorry Grandpa! I love you and hope you enjoy these little updates as well :-)

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